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福州訂報紙哪裡好看 2025-01-12 20:56:29


發布時間: 2022-02-14 20:04:06

1. 用英語介紹廈門

廈門位於中國東南沿海,台灣海峽西岸,與台灣隔海相望。全市總面積1,569.3平方公里,2006年末全市登記戶籍人口160萬人,常住人口約233萬人。下轄思明、湖裡、集美、海滄、同安、翔安六個行政區, 廈門是中國最適宜居住的城市之一。這里氣候宜人,風景秀麗,環境整潔,擁有「國際花園城市」、「國家衛生城市」、「國家園林城市」、「國家環保模範城市」、「中國優秀旅遊城市」、「全國十佳人居城市」和「全國人居環境獎」等殊榮。2004年,廈門榮獲人居環境方面的最高獎項--「聯合國人居獎」。 廈門是中國最早實行對外開放政策的四個經濟特區之一,是國家計劃單列市,享有省級經濟管理許可權並擁有地方立法權。 廈門是中國最具競爭力的城市之一。在中國社科院百名專家聯合完成的《2005年城市競爭力報告》中,廈門在中國200個城市綜合競爭力排行榜中列第九名,在政府管理、企業管理、制度、環境、基礎設施、開放程度等多個方面的競爭力均位於全國前列。在2006年世界銀行公布的《政府治理、投資環境與和諧社會——中國120個城市競爭力的提升》報告中獲「金牌城市」稱號。 Xiamen, facing Taiwan across the sea, is an important window and base for foreign contacts in China's southeast coastal area, which is nearest to Southeast Asia and Oceania. Haicang, a part of Xiamen, is situated on the tip of South-Fujian Triangular Area and separated with Xiamen Island only by a strip of water. Haicang has a semi-tropical monsoon climate with meteorological data as follows: Annual average temperature: 21C, Monthly average temperature: maximum 28.5C, minimum 12.5C, Extremely low temperature: 2C, Extremely high temperature: 38.5C, Average annual time of sunshine: 2233.5 hours, Average annual rainfall: 1143.5mm. Haicang's terrain is a combination of hill, terrace and plain with a stable geological structure. It has never registered any destructive earthquake in its history. Considering its advantageous port conditions and the vast space for development, Dr. Sun Yaksen put forward a grand concept of building Haicang into an "Oriental Big Port" in his "Strategy to Build the Country". In early twentieth century, "Asia" of Britain and "Mobil" of the United States, two consortiums, used Haicang as their oil-transshipping port and fuel base

2. 廈門的英文叫什麼,







3. 求用英語介紹廈門

Xiamen is situated on the southeast coast of Fujian Province, at the estuary of Jiulong River. It lies at 118degree 04' 04'' east longitude and 24degree 26' 46'' north latitude. At the back of Xiamen lies the Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Plain, and facing Xiamen across the Taiwan Strait are Taiwan Island and the Penghu Islands.

Xiamen City comprises Xiamen Island proper, Gulangyu (Gulang Island) and the coastal part of north Jiulong River. It has a land area of more than 1565.09 square kilometers and a sea area of 300 square kilometers.Because of such favourable conditions, Xiamen becomes an international seaport scenery city.

The island proper covers an area of 128.14 square kilometers, with a length of 13.7 kilometers from south to north and a width of 12.5 kilometers from east to west which is the fourth largest island of Fujian province. The Xiamen Habour, which is a harbour of the strait type, has a coastal line that zigzags to 234 kilometers. Many other islands scattered all along the outside of Xiamen island and hills and mountains surrounded inside this charming place.It is a natural harbor with deep water that is ice-free all the year round. Xiamen has always been an important seaport of foreign trade of southeast coast ever since the ancient times.

Xiamen has a subtropical climate. It is generally mild and temperate with abundant rainwater. It has an average annual temperature of approximately 21℃. Winter in Xiamen is not harsh while summer is free from extreme heat.The city has an average annual rainfall of about 1200mm, mainly concentrated on the months from May to August. Wind power measures between Grade 3 to 4 in general, with northeast wind representing the dominant wind direction. Because of the air currents resulting from the difference in temperature in the Pacific, Xiamen is affected by typhoon three to four times annually on average, which mainly comes ring the months from July to September.

In May of 2003,authorized by State Council, Xiamen adjusted part of administrative districts layout. Mainly content are as follows:First,Combine Siming District,Gulangyu Island and Kaiyuan District as a whole district named Siming. Original 3 districts are administrated by Siming District. Second,Xinglin District street office and Xinglin town are administrated by Jimei District.Xinglin District is renamed as Haicang District. Third,set Xiang』an District which administrated five towns originally belong to Tong』an District,they are:Xindian,Xinyu,Maxiang,NeiCe and Daden.Currently there are six districts under the administration of Xiamen: Siming, Huli, Jimei ,Haicang,Tong'an and Xiang』an.

Except majority of Han Chinese in Xiamen,it also has other more than 20 different ethnic groups such as Hui,Manchu,Zhuang,She,Miao and Goashan etc. Because of geographic environment and historical background, Xiamen has lots of returned oversea Chinese and their families, and oversea Chinese with Xiamen registered permanent residence from Macao,Hongkong and Taiwan.

4. 用英文介紹廈門市



5. 廈門英文是什麼






6. 為什麼「廈門」的英文是Amoy









7. 廈門的英文

廈門,別稱鷺島, 簡稱鷺, 福建省副省級城市、經濟特區[1] ,東南沿海重要的中心城市、港口及風景旅遊城市。[2] 廈門位於福建省東南端, 西界漳州, 北鄰南安和晉江,東南與大小金門和大擔島隔海相望,通行閩南方言,是閩南地區的主要城市,與漳州、泉州並稱廈漳泉閩南金三角經濟區。

8. 請問我的家鄉在福建廈門用英語怎麼說重點翻譯福建廈門,謝謝

Xia Men, which is in Fujian, is my hometown

9. 你想來廈門嗎用英語怎麼說

Do you want to come to Xiamen
Do you want to come to Xiamen

10. 廈門,我來了!這句話用英語怎麼說

Xiamen, here I come!