1. 歌手大庆小芳是哪里人
2. 帮我翻译成英文,谢谢
Zhuang returned the dorm with a despondent and blank look. Zhu patted his shoulder when seeing that.
Zhu: What? You look werry.
Zhuang had a look at Zhu, and sighed a breath.
Zhu: It's no good to hold back something in your mind.
Zhuang again had a look at Zhu, then shook his head.
Alas, emotional trouble.
Zhu: Hum, I can see.
Zhuang: Soon we will graate. Both Fang and I don't know how to choose now, then have often nothing to say together.
Zhu: Have both of you gotten jobs?
Zhuang: Yes, I got a job of a bank in Foochow, and Fang got a job of a high school in AMoy.
Zhu: Need advise?
Zhuang: How would you do if it is you?
Zhu: I don't think you still fix the better positioning, one is career, one is love. Is it more important to you?
Now it's hard to get a job, but I worry her, too.
Zhu: It's emotional trouble. Fang is so loveliness. If it's me, I shall consult with her which she can go to Foochow, or which you go to AMoy. Please value your love each other! So lily-white love will not be met after employment.
Zhuang: Yes! Good idea, thank you very much.
3. 小芳一家国庆节期间,自己驾车从上海到厦门旅游上海至厦门的路程约1043千米骑车每小时大约行驶一百零
4. 谁认识在厦门的赖小芳,老家龙岩的
5. 大庆小芳哪里人